After a very busy few weeks, we are back! With a ton of projects on our hands lately we weren’t able to post anything for a while, but a LOT happened in the mean time. It’s time to catch up 🙂
Most importantly, on the 18th of August we got married and had a wonderful time with family and friends. We kept our ceremonie very smalle with just close family and friends and we actually held our ceremony on the bow of East of the Sun.
After our wedding day we packed up our stuff and sailed away into the sunset, only to get started on a new project for Wieden and Kennedy the next day. Making a pilot commercial for a big international brand. We can’t say anything more about it yet, but we hope to be able to show you the results soon!
Also I just finished my new book which will be landing on and all the other mayor book stores in about 5 days. More on this in the next video). And lastly the projects on East of the Sun keep going, New rigging, new toilet (throne) and lots more going on.
We hope you wil enjoy this episode and see you again soon!